
Black Friday

OK. so yesterday was Black Friday, i ended waking up at 5 30 to go shopping with my C, her family & my mom. it was cool. caught some real good sales. not ALOT; but anyway, the point is, the whole time i was freezing my tired ass off while my C whose fourteen years old was hyper as a 4 year old at christmas. i did all the stupid things she wanted to do like go up the down escalator & down the up escalator while timid shoppers gave us the eye like "damn kids have no respect". Finally [after being told off by a large woman who C had nearly knocked over on her way to the bathroom] i got C to come with me to the food court [hoping against hope that this would calm her down] WRONG; yet again YB. She saw some really cute guys and ended up giving her phone # to some guy named Brian who apparently DIDNT believe in belts. yeppp. At around 10AM we ditched & called up my cousen who picked us up for some Breakfast at some King diner [[our moms met up with us there]] it was 14 of us all pushing table together loudly, joking aroung & stuff. W/E. i got a crappy Frenchtoast b/c every omelette had SOME form of meat in it; while C snickered away happily eating her chicken Tenders.

We moved on to the Mall where we could barely move because of shoppers and their bags so C decided to lean against the wall by the Theatre so she could shout "AYO!" to anyone who walked passed [[i enjoyed this part b/c i LOVE saying "AYO!!" ]] our family met up with MORE people [[if possible]] & we all drove up to some last minute party on 4th ave. C & i went back to my house to change, take a shower, [i napped while she was in] get pretty & stuff. we walked over back to 4th ave picked up some food, called D over & asked Julio if he could take us 5 teens to the movies [[back at the mall]] lol. he did we caught a 9 30 movie [[we watched BEOWULF!!]] & left around 11 i think getting back at the party 11 30 where my mom was a little tipsy. I woke up some hour l8r having fell asleep on JB's shoulder cuddling to a pillow on his arm. hes a real comfy guy! My mom finally thought it was time to leave. got home around 1. to find Richard home; Wray[[baby]] asleep in his room. My granparents watching some movie. Mel & i said goodnight went upstairs & knocked out on the bed only to wake up @ around 1PM today. yepp. long night.

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