
How to make whip cream.

How to make whip cream.
By: YummyB and Gissal D. =D

You'll need:
1. Heavy Cream
2. Confessionist Sugar
3. Bowl
4. Whisk

Step one.
Pour one cup of heavy cream into bowl. Or as much heavy cream as you'll need. Please bear in mind that just Because it looks like a little doesnt mean anything because it will...uhm fluff up? haha.

Step two.
Pour a tbspn of Conf. Sugar with Heavy cream.

Step three.
Whisk away!!! Now dont think your gonna whisk for 5min. and TADA!! you have whipcream. No. Sorry, but no. I whisked [[quickly]] for about 10 minutes. Your arms get tired but if you flick your wrist quick enouph you'll be done faster. The thicker it gets the harder it gets to whisk. So as your arms get tired, please think: Hey, im almost there!!

Homemade whip cream tastes alot better then store brought and it only has 2 ingredients that your sure of. Be proud to do this stuff for yourself. I sure was. It made my Strawberry Banana jello taste even better!



Custody Weekend

I'm at Gissal&Peters.
Of course, i wasnt absolutely positive that i was coming today because of the Mongo Storm the sky threw up last night. The snow was brown in the streets by the time i left anyway. We just ate Fettucini Alfredo with Homemade Garlic Bread. For desert i had Strawberry Banana jello with homemade whip cream. I know, I know. i normally dont eat jello because its made out of Animal bone marrow but since i've finished my 6mths, my doctors having me fulfil some requirements. Jello not being one of them but still. If i can eat a cow, i can sure as hell have some damn Jello. So my physical the other day went terrible. I basically failed everything except my hearing test. My pee wasnt even worth an "Your OK, Ma'am". nope, not me, that would be too friggen easy for lil old Moi`. w.e. My eye sights a little shoddy but i did my best and squinted to the fullest because i love love love everything that i see. & i really couldnt do with Glasses, thats terrible, i know. I shouldnt be like that, but i cant. i have braces coming up and really im just fine. OK? i had to go to LabCorp for more lood work and so i had every friggen shot known to man. The maningitis-shyt hurt so BAD. omg, i was gonna like kill somebody but i could barely move my arm let alone maneuver a Rifle, thank you very much. So yeah my shots were terrible, i wined and everything. The friggen Blood work was a killer, though. The needle was skinny and long and it was in my arm for like ever! Grrr. The nurse wasnt helping me either. She was mean and old and grumpy and gave me the eye like i shouldnt have been there and made her work. Grr. Tomorrow, i have high hopes in going to Barnes&Noble with Gissal so we could sneak around ack and read all their books the whole day. Then we'll just skip over to their starbucks and swing down some cinnamon caramal latte. Hopefully. So school was cancelled today. Thank-friggen-gawd. because i wasnt sure i could stand those people for another day! i cant stand it, i want to just ditch that wak-crap school and bump over to some far away sun shine state. Lord will help me. Good Luck my loves.




So a certain S decided to waltz in and dance him away from me. What does this mean? Why this means i am the next to begin the lauphing. Both of them are officially the crap under my shoe. S can just walk in with her cheap shoes and get him as a "Friend With Benefit" because that is all he will be to her. How do iknow that S has decided to take over w/out my knowledge, you ask? well, well, well, seeing as the Holiday i RETCH on just passed "Valentines Day" i was in charge of crappy Secret Cupid along with a few other friends. My beloved friends tried to hide the fact that S wrote "SaidPerson" a Stupid Secret Cupid. It said loads of Bytchy Shyt that S most likely didnt mean. it was ohh so funny i could even recall a specific line, a specificly idiotic line that is.
"Im so Glad i have you back in my life, we can just start this all over again, bla bla bla..." W-T-F is that supposed to mean?? huh? Does that mean that said person is over moi` & onto S again?? ::Em hold her hands up in "W-T-F" manner::
soo saidPerson was seen walking around school witha certain Valentines Day Package for a certain someone. Unfortunately everyone thought that someone was mee. since it wasnt i felt an odd tingling in my stomach that i could not place, hmm, weirdd. anyway so just recently i looked up said person's MS and surprisingly enouph, he had switched us. as in S was ahead of me. i breathe in deeply because Karma will catch up to them...

Hopefully before i do. im pretty sure Karma would be less cruel.


Private Series Review

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Private Series
By: Kate Brian

OK. Like most books, Reed Brennan finds her self Plain, Typical, and Boring. Like Most Books Reed Brennan is smart. Like most books nothing extraordinary happens to her...until she finds herself at Easton Acadamy Boariding School, and yet again "Like Most Books" Reed Brennan is there on Scholarship because originally she would not have had the money to go.
i know, i know. this is Like Most Books. W/E.
Reed finds herself catching the eye of Senior Hottie Thomas Pearson when shes only a Sophomore. yeah i know... ::em rolls eyes:: and once again "Like Most Books" she catches the eye of Eastons most elite dorm of Billings. Unfortunately they catch her spying on them through her window. she sits so close to the glass they call her Glass-Licker. heeh. anyway so the four most popular girls at Easton are now inviting her to their table. woo hoo how friggen original! lol hah anyway
What really shocked me about the story was that Reed understands what shes doing. what shes getting herself into. thats what originally attracted me to the book. that she wasnt just some other girl who was in denial about selling herself out for popularity. hah wow people r so effing shallow. I think this series has that type of daring that most books dont have while most of the time your flicking through the pages like "No FRIKKEN Way!!" but then your like "...this could totally happen" yeah soo just try the book out. and i guarantee you'll be hooked!! you'll hate some of it. love the rest. hah. just try it.
You know you want to.

Besides, when have i given faulty information?

xoxo EM


NobleDuke (22 hours ago) Show Hide Marked as spam

I was ashamed when I was discharged in '06 of how the news outright lies and tells half-truths.Look what happened to 3rd Battalion,only military people know.

Whoaa! W-T-F? OK. tell mee thats not just a bit scary. This guy, "NobleDuke" he calls himself, has been writing up a STORM on [[so&so]] website. Im not going to write the said websites name because i am in no rush to endanger this guys life. His been to war i tink twice. i can only take a WILD guess and throw this out here. NobleDuke does not just mention that the news is not telling us the truth, but that they are out-right lying about the Iraqi War. Now, Of Course, we all know this already but i found this comment particularly intriguing since it was the follow-up of a Dixie Chicks Song "Im Not Ready to Make Nice". Please do me a favor and look up the lyrics before you do anything else. When your done with that you should read up more on it. I guarantee you will be most intrigued. anyway besides that. Hilary VS Obama. thats all anyone can think anymore is it? uhm, theres not much else i can say on the matter besides: May the Best Candidate Win? HAH. yeaah. just a bit cheeszy filled corn on the cob huh? i know but its true. i wish us all luck because the next president will change our futures.

xoxo EM


Valentines Dayy!

Happy V-Day.
Im not one to care for Valentines Day but hey, WTF, right? its alright this year i guess. my [[old]] SaidPerson had asked me about V-Day but i had told him i didnt like it, so 2day he comes to skoo with a whole bunch of PinkyGirlyCrap for this chickk that he once told me was to beat over him for a second glance. W/E. they could like screw eachother in the Mayans for all i care. soo E gave me a Valentines, Because she's totally cool in that "You think i care that your staring at me because of this hat, when really i only adore that your staring at me" way, and i have to love her for it. I mean who TF else could pull it off, except my wonderful, adorable, E? Its an adorably ugly monkey that says "I GO BANANAS OVER Y0U!" when you press his belly. yeaah. i know thats like so ttly frikken awesome. anyways, besides this V-Day CRAP-Ohh-Laah. there are better things. like the fact that i have a FWB now, i know, thats not good. but hey! better then nothing ritee? so we havent like tongued each other down or anything but we just like to act like we go out and amazingly its kindof over-the-top fun. i know it must sound weird but most of my life does...soo i like this guy but he went out w/ my friend and im pretty sure he still likes her. OUCH! i know, that hurts my feelings too. guys suck. w/e i need a break and i think im just gonna chill for a while until ya know, something worth while comes along.
Today in Major we started Figure Drawing its pretty cool... as long as Mr PaulMann doesnt make me model. Mr PaulMann's the new Student/Teacher whose a megaa-cool 22 yr old, and if XTina wasnt dating E.D. i'd like SOOOO hook her up with him because he's just that friggen kool. anyway so back to Figure drawing. i started figure drawing this person in my class [[lets call him Marney]] and Marney is like Megaa-Cute. DUH! why else would i chose this poor unfortunate soul? My friend likes him so...yeah, theres my Luck. Dont you see it? That thing that just flew past your head, out of the window? Im way too nice then what i get credit for. Catch you dolls later!



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So thats ci & me after prom! i love love love her. she is my sister-riden-till-we-pass-out-drunk-in-da-car-chick! i got2 love that spunk about her, i guess thats why i love her. we look the opposite...and we probably ARE the opposite i think thats why we mesh so well together. but then again its like we see the exact sam e things some times...its weird. i know.

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Boo, Mell, and Me. i know we're so far apart. usually i call them "The Midgets" or "BOOGERS" but i figured i'd enlighten u with my dear cousens name, which is really Alexx, and not Boo. Mells names is Melody...i like to call her Melody-ohh. She Hates it. hey - shes my little sister! i could call her W/E THE HELL I WANT2! lol gotta love'm



Wray. Wrayv'hana is my baby cousen. She is only a year and a half old, and focuses mainly on stumbling around in her stockings and eating any thing she could get her tiny hands on. Her hair is her only fault because other than her frizziness she is absolu-teh-ley beautiful. No matter what she will always be perfect in my eyes. I have baby-sat her constantly and the only bad thing about her is that she wont stop eating. she constantly picks up a bag of chips and throws them at me so that i could open it. Her huge eyes were grey when she was first born but they steadily grew darker and just looking into them you could tell what they once were. Just watching her makes me soo excited to live my life. because when im an adult she will be just a toddler. I've watched her do so much, eat and lauph, walk around and cry. It really marvels me that someone so small could be so important, that someone so small could require so much love and care, because i really do give her my all when i take care of her. She's so fragile that it makes me want to just sit there and focus all of my energy on her. When i wonder about the wonders of life... I think of her. I think of how she's just that past that we all know we have but can never recall, and of how what i will remember there is little chance that she will remember as well. I mean, will she remember that i defended her from Richard when ever he tried to pop her hand for being bad? Will she remember that Richard taught her to call me BABU? Will she remember that her first step was on New Years? Will she remember that i spun her around so that we would both get dizzy and i wuld lay back on the floor and she would tap my stomach? Will she remember that i took videos of her and my grandfather stumbling around in the backyard? Probably Not. But i will. and i will fill her in on these things when she gets older. I never feel older than when im around her, yet she doesnt make me feel mature. She makes me feel like im 5 and we're best friends. Its weird but i love her for it, though these days are just a blur to her they're not to me. and she's just apart of the happiness i feel in my life. A big Part at that.

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Guess who i met yesterday?!

Four Nets Players.
I dont even like basketball but if i culd just watch them sweat it out, i'd bee at every game. so i met Vince Carter, Josh Booner, Marcus Williams and some other guy that im not sure what his name is. anyway The Tallest, you ask? Josh Booner by like 4 inches. The Shortest, you ask? Marcus Williams. but he's 6`3 so could you imagine the size of these guys. i mean come on, im 4`11!! The cutest, you ask? Josh Booner VS. Marcus Williams. there could bee a serious degree debate on the matter. The Funniest, you ask? uhmmm the guy whose name im not sure of...let me look that up now actually...ok im back. Maybe it was Sean Williams. im not sure. lets call him Timmy! ok Timmy was HILARIOUS.
How did i meet them yuh ask?
Well since i am a Fine Art Major and i attend the Rosa L Parks school of Fine&Performing Arts. we were invited to the Nets Black History Event of the Month. The only school to go actually. and we werent even given a gud bus. we were given a Jigetts. but that doesnt matter. i got to see Hotty McHawt Pants Mr Marcus Williams joke around with his budies. yum. My artwork didnt win, so what? there were only 3 winners. and i was only on well speaking terms with the grand prize winner. and so what Jess got a signed Vince Carter Jersey with 4 VIP tickets to the Next game along with 4 roudtrip tickets to their next game in orlando...so what? so alot.
Grr. but im happy 4 Jess, i mean, i dont even like the damn sport. i just thought these guys were HAWT. anyway soo yeah it was alot but it wasnt organized. [[the players came late]] and there was NO food [[uhm teenagers here! we are growing every friggen day and all u could do was fatten us up and load us with stuff that culd harm our health i.e. cookies, soda, and brownies...OK so there was water and fruit. but come on. once again teenagers here! what teenager do YUH know wuld pick fruit &water when it was standing pathetically in line next to soda and brownies....i thought so.]] anyway. there was no staph. just people in suits hanging sround acting important. i culd tell they were important, because a) they looked excited, and what kind of important person wuld be excited to see a bunch of souped up art geekx swoon over their friends art work and some B-Ball player? and b) they studdered 2much, wouldnt stand still 4 two seconds and kept wiping the sweat off their nervous faces. no offense. it was GR8! and of course Jess was interviewed and everything. she even made the tuesday paper i think. i looked the whole thing up online, and nothing. Zippo, zilch, nada, natres`. nothing more then just mentioning that nets and Amtrack had a BHM event and they kept saying it was with middle schoolers. we're not middle schoolers. we're close 2 college now thank u very much. anyway so yeah thats mee complaining. wish i wuld have had the balls 2 take a pic. but w/e i thought we were going to a GAME. heehee silly mee. Im OUttie 4 2night. catch u buuhbsz MANIAN, yo.



Bartimaeus Trilogy Review

The Bartimaeus Trilogy
By: Johnathon Stroud

Book 1: The Amulet of Samarkand
Book 2: The Golems Eye
Book 3: Ptolemy's Gate.

I just finished. All of them. Today.

I loved it! I was first introduced to the book in K-Mart while strolling down....



Johnathon Strouds "Bartimaeus Trilogy" is about a young magician named Nathaniel he somehow feels that he could out-do any other magician even the Senior MAGICIANSZ! when really he's barely started school. Now these magicians are different they dont just "have power!" "ABRAKA-FRIKKEN-DABRA!".

They use magical creatures to help them. Once these magical creatures are summoned...They are slaves to the magician who summoned them until the magician feels he has no more doings for the djinni. Bartimaeus is the djinni that Nathaniel summons one day because he seeks revenge, revenge over a certain magician he feels he can outwit. Nathaniel & Bartimaues face everything together and along the way they come across someone unexpected: A Commoner. watch Stroud's fascinating tail of magic and espionage spin together to make the most realistically fascinating book i've read.

The book was was beautiful, well written with wry, witty, sarcasm that makes me fall in loooove with Bartimaues. when you get the book, you will find footnotes in certain chapters. These footnotes are only present when Bartimaeus is narrating. He is a wonderful narator and i love his sense of humor. The footnotes will have you rolling on the floor lauphing. & when u sit back down on your seat you will be on edge because if your not lauphing yous being shocked, suprised, or just simply thrilled. The whole 3 books are wonderful. its not one of those trilogies were the author gets sick of their own book and loses enthusiasm so the books lose spark as the books go on, but rather they get better and better!! its a wonderful series and...


I was strolling down the 10 foot long shelving of best sellers and crappy [[never-looked-at-twice]] books WHEN, all of a sudden something shiny caught my eye. [[i kno it sounds cliche` but Hey! its true...the cover was smooth and colorful and shiny]] so i see this book i've been DYING to read [[Artemis Fowl]] and all of a sudden pershed right next to it are 3 extremely GORGEOUS BOOKSZ! i bent over picked it up and read the back....intriguing as it was i only bought it because my private book wasnt there and they desperately lacked the proper materials fr me to walk around content so i strolled off with the book and bribed peter 2 buy it for me [[i would be silent for the rest of the day]] of course like "all" booksz there were some parts that i had to put the book down and re-adjust before starting over....but there is no perfect book an this book is pretty DAMN close!! =D



Giants WIN

17 - 14

yeah soo the super bowl was Feb 3, 2008. best Footbal game EVER!
the last 5 minutes were the most exciting.
Manning did a fascinating throw to Tyree i think it was 45yrds, yo.
Bangen Game. Manning is ma boy, i knew he could do it!
59 seconds to go and we still caught up yo!

Patriots think that just cause they got Brady they could win...
well Manning MANNED up, and out-Bradyed- Brady...
yeah i know i need to stop but such an exhillarating game will never bee 4gotten.
Half Time sucked.
Commercials were OK. GAME WAS GR8!
wish i wuld have recorded...Football is an amazing sport. :D


Super Bowl

OK OK OK!! so 2day is the Super Bowl.

New England Patriots VS. New York Giants

Hmm. Whose Gonna win?
Dont know!!
Whose team am i for?
Cause they ROCK!

Goen to Ci's house 2day 2 watch the SuperBowl.
We're always against eachother.
She's a Boston fan.
Ima Yankees.
She's a Jets[[goen4Patriots2day]]fan.
Ima Giants.
She doesnt like Soccer.
I do.
Gosh!! well anyway.
her&moee tlk on the fone now.
Guess what about.
Go Figure.
which Reminds me...
