
Excused Absenses

Last wednesday and thursday I didn't go to school because of my Pink Eye. There was go school on friday. So I had so much work on Monday morning..
Now, however, today is Thursday and I'm not going to school yet again!
Me and my cousin have to stay in this house and finish up some MORE packing before tomorrow. We have a list, actually.
Here it goes:

-Clean out the garage
-Take the boxes out of the house and into the garage
-Finish the laundry
-FOLD the laundry
-Finish PACKING the laundry
-Pinish packing the draws and whatnot.

Might not be a long list.. but it's definitely a time consuming list, though.
My cousin and I know this.. however, we are both just sitting here watching The E! on TV because theres a special on.. It's called "15 Most Unthinkable Crimes: Young, beautiful & Vanished".
It's over soon.. and I do have a load of laundry in. But I really don't want to get up. Actually, I would really love it if I could just.. go to sleep.
I'll be extremely happy when all this is over and I'm sitting in my own room laying down and listening to music.


Froste said...

Ick, sounds nasty. I hate laundry, it's the most boring thing ever!
Gymnasiet doesn't really mean anything, it's just a name. In qymnasiet you can chose either theoretical subjects, like science or lots of social studies which needs collage here too, or you can chose to educate yourself to a profession right away, professions like an electrician or a hair dresser. All school in Sweden is for free; the mandatory part, gymnasiet and collage.
Yep, I'm as Swedish as you get ;) What about you? You've always lived in the US??

Froste said...

ugh, once again - I hate laundry... I feel for you.
Oops, spelling error, meant college. Yep, Sweden pays for everything, the free health care, schooling and all through taxes, which are pretty high. Sweden is a far more socialistic country than the US. It makes for interesting conversations between me and my friends, because we have a hard time imagining living in the US.
I did visit Chicago and New Orleans maybe two-three years ago. It was great. It's not that different, yet entirly different. Travelling is great, have you been to Europe?