

Yesterday was the first day of NY comicon weekend.
i went with my bestfriend J.
we had fun, and i got to see the creator of Star wars...
im thinking of stalking him. XD
we did alot of volunteer work but got an hour off.

during our time off, me and jess managed to
-buy 80$ worth of stuff
-buy blue and red light sabers
-lose C2 like three times
-piss alot of fat people off
-flirt w/ a storm trooper who was asking us boyfriendish questions
-meet a few art/cartoonists inclusind susan heidy*
-get lost...
-fall in love with the storm trooper, whose face we will probably never see... =[

&&all this in just 60 minutes...GAHHh thats cool. but yeahh afterwards mom picked us up.
She dropped us off at the mall where we [finally] enjoyed some food. [mcdonalds].
afterwards we bout expensive tickets to watch half of a movie. [21 with jim sturges...which i cant review... how sad.]
we messed around in the JC penny windows department.
took some funny pictures of making love to all the curtains...and called in a night...

we spent the whole day together...fun. XD
i'll post up the pics later...

*&&thank you susan for personalizing my poster >>

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