

woke up. cleaned my room.
Barbie stopped by.
Mom takes off with Barb to salsa dancing with Marcus Nieves. :PPP
Showwwerr Time.

Do my hair, take a quick much needed REM session , yell at my sister, finish cleaning my room.
Get a TXT from C.

TXT :: Mall @ 7

i TXT back an answer. hell yeah, why the fuck not ?
call Jess up. Can you come.
Nahh im babysitting. Fack.
anyway. First thing i do when i get there. ADD some piercage. Cartilidge.
so yeah we go cause we want to catch PromNight.
But C's new jerk boyfriend Vicky doesnt want to see it because "its wack, and i already saw it"
C takes that to consideratioin so we get tickets for Baby mama. which is packed.
me and Jasmine just want to sneak into Harold and Kumar...we were already IN the theatre. technically we already paid and everything. But C had promised Vikcy she would "Behave". which obviously means i have to be Twice the ass i usually am.
so the whole time im cursing at people in the mall.

"Get the fuck out my way fat ass"
"R U sure you want to fucken sneeze right by me?????"
"look bytch i dont have all fucken day, give me my change"
"HEY ASS HOLE!! dont cut it out imma go over there and do everyone a favor"
"i might look small bytch but dont fucken start with me"
"MOVE or i will fucking torch you"
"look, its either be nice to me, or meet my 6'2 245lb cousen, K?"

Soo yeahh, when C is "Behaving" im incapable of doing so. i was extremely bad.
After ditching the whole Movie idea we decided to eat. on the way we stop into a few shoe stores where we see alot of people from my school E, C3, J2, alot of people. especially WORKING. gahh. who knew, ehh?
We catch R there too. By himself as usual. who goes to the mall by themselves besides people who are on like last minutes missions. R was just gliding along. i saw him eye Jasz, just like everyother guy at the mall that day.
Being at the mall with Jasz makes you feel INVISIBLE. She gets "Yerooo"s and "hey mami"s and all types of crap. She has a Boy friend which really makes guys take a jab at themselves for being stupid enough to come up to her. but we did meet some cool people. I also got to curse out alot of people...not too mention all of the lovely hand gestures i made =]
But yeah. Jasmine claims she knows everyone....::rolls eyes:: hah.
but shes cool, so i deal.
We finally get to the actual food court where we have .00 options.
we end up getting a footer @ subway cause C thinks shes not hungry. But i already know that bytch is. Me and Jasmine split it in 4, and so i eat 1 and a half. she eats 1. and C slams down the next 1 cause NOW shes hungry. That bytch. Mhm so while me and Jasz eat, Vicky and C make out.
Who saw that one coming?
Vicky ditches when we're done and starts yellen out "Peace Midget Mac!" when hes a good table away. i want to choke him. But i dont. Because C still has that "look" on her face. Eghhh.
When we're done. We roam. the stores R closing at this point. and we were lucky enough to choose a way where there would be some Drama.
Racist people should not be aloud in Malls.
its Stupid. and just Ignorant.
&& so C had to pull me away from alot of things such as jail as i attempted at throttling a woman who looked in her possible 40s. She was Rude. and made me sick to my stomach. Some people...just IRK me.
But yeahh, all in all. an interesting Day

I slept over C's because Sunday was last day of CCD. yes!

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