
I've come to realize..

that i dont like people,
at all .
as you can imagine this is a very distrurbing conclusion one came come across but hey- i did it, right ?
With this realization I've learned that i dislike people in general and not just the many absurd titles, labels, cliques, genres, ETC. of the average persona because i've also come to realize that the human race cannot breed sucessfully without a harsh and even cruel class system- just the whole frikken crap load of people in this world are waiting for the oppurtuinty to push someone off their pedestal and sit their fat bottom up there.
So, go ahead and ask me. Whats My Problem?
People in general, are my problem.
Yeah, this sucks.
But apparently i've got to live with it.

Due to this knowledge im able to keep myself from throwing up throughout the course of my measely, pretty-much eventless, adolescent day.

*and hey do my a favor by not turning this into some bias post by assuming im exclusing myself from the "the crap load of people" i speak of, hell no. okay, no where in this post did i claim to be above and beyond the pettyness of the average human, notice how i said AVERAGE, and didnt just clump everybody together like we're all just one working organelle. Nope. Im pretty sure i make people wanna fucken throw up too.

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