

Guess who i met yesterday?!

Four Nets Players.
I dont even like basketball but if i culd just watch them sweat it out, i'd bee at every game. so i met Vince Carter, Josh Booner, Marcus Williams and some other guy that im not sure what his name is. anyway The Tallest, you ask? Josh Booner by like 4 inches. The Shortest, you ask? Marcus Williams. but he's 6`3 so could you imagine the size of these guys. i mean come on, im 4`11!! The cutest, you ask? Josh Booner VS. Marcus Williams. there could bee a serious degree debate on the matter. The Funniest, you ask? uhmmm the guy whose name im not sure of...let me look that up now actually...ok im back. Maybe it was Sean Williams. im not sure. lets call him Timmy! ok Timmy was HILARIOUS.
How did i meet them yuh ask?
Well since i am a Fine Art Major and i attend the Rosa L Parks school of Fine&Performing Arts. we were invited to the Nets Black History Event of the Month. The only school to go actually. and we werent even given a gud bus. we were given a Jigetts. but that doesnt matter. i got to see Hotty McHawt Pants Mr Marcus Williams joke around with his budies. yum. My artwork didnt win, so what? there were only 3 winners. and i was only on well speaking terms with the grand prize winner. and so what Jess got a signed Vince Carter Jersey with 4 VIP tickets to the Next game along with 4 roudtrip tickets to their next game in orlando...so what? so alot.
Grr. but im happy 4 Jess, i mean, i dont even like the damn sport. i just thought these guys were HAWT. anyway soo yeah it was alot but it wasnt organized. [[the players came late]] and there was NO food [[uhm teenagers here! we are growing every friggen day and all u could do was fatten us up and load us with stuff that culd harm our health i.e. cookies, soda, and brownies...OK so there was water and fruit. but come on. once again teenagers here! what teenager do YUH know wuld pick fruit &water when it was standing pathetically in line next to soda and brownies....i thought so.]] anyway. there was no staph. just people in suits hanging sround acting important. i culd tell they were important, because a) they looked excited, and what kind of important person wuld be excited to see a bunch of souped up art geekx swoon over their friends art work and some B-Ball player? and b) they studdered 2much, wouldnt stand still 4 two seconds and kept wiping the sweat off their nervous faces. no offense. it was GR8! and of course Jess was interviewed and everything. she even made the tuesday paper i think. i looked the whole thing up online, and nothing. Zippo, zilch, nada, natres`. nothing more then just mentioning that nets and Amtrack had a BHM event and they kept saying it was with middle schoolers. we're not middle schoolers. we're close 2 college now thank u very much. anyway so yeah thats mee complaining. wish i wuld have had the balls 2 take a pic. but w/e i thought we were going to a GAME. heehee silly mee. Im OUttie 4 2night. catch u buuhbsz MANIAN, yo.


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