Juno w Ellen Page and Micheal Cera is about 16 yr old Juno MacGuff who who is faced w an unplanned pregnancy. She finds the perfect couple to adopt her baby and flirts with adulthood. She faces the complications of denial and relationship issues because of her divorced parents. She faces not only the typical difficulties of Teenage pregnancy but the more complex inner emotions of the whole ordeal...its a GR8 movie. I loved it from Beginning to End because of its constant wry//sarcastic humor. Micheal was GR8, just as he was in SuperBad, the movie constantly has yuh lauphing. i loved it. Ellen Page was exquisite, she's a wonderfull actress. she was perfect for the part, you could really tell she understood and FELT her role. her humor was fantastic, and so were her actions...the music was guhd too. haha i mite just buy the soundtrack....HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
I AM LEGEND.I AM LEGEND starring Will Smith and a beautiful German Shepherd was about the "only one" [[Will Smith]]. I walked into the movie theatre without reading a review or even fully knowing what it was about. and i loved it. Its the future [[2020 to be exact]] and the cure of cancer is found. Unfortunately this cure unleashes some type of disease which changes living form. Humans die out n those who catch eat people. Theres no cure, and Will Smith searches willingly because he feel he can "fix this".It was a great, i loved the movie. and would watch it again in a heartbeat. It was kind of creepy but all together it was an outstanding performance. It really got you thinking, and i sure as hell scared the crap out of me but it was guhd. Will Smith's performance was OUTSTANDING, i mean you felt every emotion that passed his face. The whole movie kept you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end, very nail-biting and such, etc, etc. The ending was just a bit lacking. But this was probably just because the movie was soo action packked it constantly kept you on your toes. and i barely had time to comprehend the climax before the end credits were pushed on screen. just my valued opinion of course but what ever. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED :XD
Living with a Clepto. Rules to Living with a Poor excuse of a Klepto; which means they're not really mentally disturbed its just so much as they cant take their eyes off of what you have;otherwise known as Bootleg Clepto. 1. Distance yourself from them. Because once they've reached your comfort zone thats their comfort zone as well. 2. Leave them with no trust or respect. they should be treated like the grovel beneath your feet. Dirty and virtually useless. 3. No counting money in front of them. IDC if its 30 cents; dont do it. 4. Dont invite them to parties. i mean come on; we're talking about a Clepto HERE. 5. You probably should confront them; even though chances are they're going to deny everything you accuse them of because 99.9% of the Clepto population also happen to make up a large number of the Liar population. Who knew, right? 6. Buy better Locks. Clepto's happen to be excellent lockpicks.7. Dont be nice...that attracts them and gives them more of an excuse to be around your pretty valuables. 8. Dont expect anything at all; especially smiles because Clepto's happen to be stingy and cheap.9. Leave the lights on when you leave the house. enouph said. 10. Dont bother hinting; they have no conscience.
OK the group OneRepublic has been working on their 1&only CD [[so far]] for about 3 years.its really guhd! you could ttly tell how much effort was put into the CD. Its so good that i can never just skip a song to go to the ones i like most because there all much2guhd, so i listen2them anyway...The CD consists of 12 of their original songs and then #13 which is the remix of Apologize by Timbaland...Personally i like the ORIGINAL better...but thats just me.Songs: Say [[all i need]]MercyStop&StareApologizeGoodbye, ApathyAll fall downTyrantProdigalwont stopall we aresomeone to save youcome homeApologize [[remix w/timbaland]]my top faves are the bold 1sz.i cant say there just my faves because i love the whole damn CD. [[its the only thing that will get me through my HW!!]]yea. i love this CD& if you just pay attention2the words you really start to wonder:"why isnt all music like this?!"yeaaah. all of their songs are well-written and they sing with such....ughhh.cant find the word. Passion? Love? Emotion?Yes, emotion, thats it.Emotion...That word now gives me the chills!! YUMgreat CD!!!!!<3>[[buy2!]]
P.S. I Love You ReviewP.S. I love you with Hilary Swank [[Freedom Writers]], Harry Connick Jr [[singer//Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock]], Lisa Kudrow [[Friends the TV show]]and a really cute Irish guy whose name im unsure of.Personally i liked the movie in general, it was pretty sad. The beginning is a bit depressing, and of course im known to shed a few tears. i cried a little, lauphed alot. it was a funny movie. Like most Romance/Comedy's the movie had its embarrassing scenes along with a few heart-breaking ones. i liked it alot. It was about a woman whose Husband dies just 3weeks before her birthday because of a brain tumor, he knew he was going to die and planned on her getting letters from him even after his death. She gets these letters telling her silly little things like:by a new outfit, get a realistic job, stop mourning his death, take a vacation, go to a club, etc. and she does these things all the while meeting 2new interesting guys in this odd way. As she does everything he says she remembers him more&more and feels him around her. Small things trigger her memory and she recalls, how they first met, some conversation, or special dates they went on. its all really cute and heart touching. I wasnt really into the ending...that much. i would've perferred a different one. Just my opinion, Go watch it, but take a box of cleanex if your one to cryy. =]HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! XD
Memoirs of a Teenage AmnesiacBy Gabriel ZevinNow from what I've heard of Zevin. Zevin's a really good author, Now if you havent read any of Zevin's work before now...dont read this book.Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac is about a Teenage girl, Naomi, whose life changes on because of a coin toss. [[Em rolls eyes]] She hits her head, and gets amnesia, she doesnt remember anything, but from the things she's told and sees for herself she doesnt like much...love takes a toll of her own as she slowly starts to see things for herself. ETC.REVIEWAny tipical Amnesia story. How come the books like this lack originality? i mean i highly doubt that ALL amnesiacs wouldnt like their old selfs...i mean if i got amnesia, i wouldnt try to change myself, just because i've found out the messed up stuff i've done! i've done some pretty good stuff too. i mean not everything is "crap i was a bitch, now i have to start from scratch and be this cool person i was [[apparently]] incapable of being while i was my original self...HECK why not throw in NEW friends!!" Boo Hoo same story. cry me a frikken river!yeaa didnt like it. it had no point. the ending was nothing to me...and neither was the plot. it was like blank paper to me. only blank paper could have been put into better use. NO BASHINGS MEANT TOWARDS THE AUTHOR!!NOT RECOMMENDED
Happy New year!!HAY! im only 3 days late K?New Years was GR8!ilovedit. At around 8oclock, i headed over to my cousen, Rici's, house. where i said HI to my peoples and just roaved around. i ate for a while and bothered my cousen, Pito.His daughter, Hazely, just started walking so she wasnt glued to his hip...he told me i should go see her. i did. She's so kah-ute when she's walken she waddles a little and sometimes just wobbles precariously on her toes. i think its cute.the party barely got started befre the drama did.Richard got drunk, slapped a few people around. `NuffSaid.He cursed alot, punched people around, and [[when he got outside]] broke the neighbors window. [[Rici's got to pay...]] i really dk what to say other then wow. its not like he knew what he was doing...so i dk why everyone's so upset. he screwed up, he's real sorry. lets move on with our lives people. I mean...its a New Year. Why F it up?anyway...i drank a little. just a few sips here n there. 12 o clock.It came&went quicker then expected. i kissed everyone on the cheek, wished them a happy new year...Karen&I went back to dancing.i dannced mostly Bachata. cant dance salsa&merngue...im not one to feel the musiq or w/e. anyway. at around 2:30 we left, when over to Ci's house. She's not REALLY my sister...we're not related, but we're so close that i think God just didnt want us to fight and gave us different mothers. anyway i went over & she was tipsy. Dii, Angel, and Jay were there too. i drank ALOT at her house, what with the fact that there was hardly any surveillance. heehee. so yeah i drank some GreyGoose, lots of smirnoff, and a cup of Mojito. real good stuff. i had to help Ci out of her pants when we went to the bathroom, she couldnt unbotton them herself. but thats what sisters do, no? we played Wii and went on the computer alot...now that i tihnk of it...i should have blogged new year then hmm srry. Her cousen David was ttly BLASTED he started calling me "Yummy" and didnt want me to leave around 5 in the morning when my mom said we should really head out. he hugged me off the floor & wouldnt let go...it was alright though...haha. i didnt mind much, he was drunk, couldnt help it. went home and practically passed out...not before i put on my NEW PJ's though...heehee.