[[No, Literally, theres two pieces.]]
See what i mean?!
anyway sooo i was ttly gawking at this guy on the last day of school before vacay. i mean i've seen him around school&stuff but never really PAID anouph attention to be like...wow he's really cool.
we had a big party in the gym and it was pretty decent...i danced to a few spanglish songs with brian [[piano major]] and did the cha cha =]]
so im sitting with the coolest person in the world Rita and she's txting her boyfriend. im bopping my head to some song. because the place was being DJed by this guy thats gonna start working at JZ's 40/40 club. and the music was fairly well. then there's moe...he's in front of me. positioning a cute Santa hat on his head, tilting it just a little, when he turns to find little old me drooling over him in everyway posible. automatically i blush, but i dont look away. he was much too cute in his santa hat for that. when he slowly smiles and puts 2 thumbs up in a way to say "good?" i gave him a blinding smile that probably made my eyes look closed and gave him a thumbs up reply when he turned to sit a good 15 feet to my right ahead of me. [[i couldnt stare at him as much as i wanted when he sat there]]
yep. thats my love story.
so then i head over to Luc whose sitting with her friend by the speakers lauphing at people who tried to hard to dance. im over there & Rita's by herself witch automatically makes me regret moving. Dee leaves to go dance with some guy she's beat over and i move over to Andy who asks me why im not dancing, i say "Geesh, andy, i dont need a bunch of sweaty people around to dance" i i bent over and wiggled my butt in a jokingly seductive way, and then i felt eyes. i wondered if moe was watching. im embarassed...yet pleased [[dont know why!!!!]] so now im with Luc, we lauph at some people when i ask her if i should move back to rita, she says yeah that Rita needs love too. as i walked over i saw moee, he was there sitting staring at me walk by, i stare at him as well and only just now do i realize how dumb i must have looked to stare at him like that. i go over to find an addition to Rita's little solo party her christian friend Orlando and as i sit next to Anthony, brian pulls up a chair. i smile at brian because he's cool and i sing all the love songs to orlando jokingly, he's still the whole time and only lets lauphter escape when the song is over. Anthony and i tlk for a while about music and dancing, i watch andreases ipod... all i see is that he's playing something by the strokes and bopping his head while uncontiously playing the guitar notes with his hands. when he looks up he looks embarassed and i lauph, with him not at him. when Rita & me get up to head to the girls locker room so she could tlk 2 her boy friend and i could use the bathroom i tell her that i think someone's hot...she lauphs & says "who'se your vistim now missy?!" we both lauph and i whisper rita which direction to look on our way back to our chairs.
She knows him. "omg i should ttly tell him you think he's hot, u want me 2?"
"oh my god rita, no, whats wrong with you...its just a silly crush...no biggie..." but i know its a biggie. for me atleast. lets be real now...its ME!
But Rita did tell him...&thats how things start. :D
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