Hmmmm, the holidays are great. I've gained 10 pounds, got a little Tipsy last night and woke up at about 8 30 this morning. YUCK!! hee hee.
So for Christmas i got:
Weezer CD
OneRepublic CD
Muse CD
Bartimaeus Trilogy
Meg Ryan DVD's
More Make-up
Barnes&Noble gift card
&some other stuff i cant think of at the moment. =] i know the other people got iPhones & stuff...but idc not having that...i like my CD's and makeup...& my clothes are real pretty. i LOVE my books. im adding more&more to my library. :D The DVD are gr8. im gonna review pretty soon. if i have the time. Christmas was fun...really nice. i actually had money to get my mom something this year. [[Victoria Secret Perfume&Lotion...She's been hinting]] Fran came over with Ray, it was all real nice. Richard was being a jerk for a while but he like X MAS soo yea its OK. G2love him. --EM
last day
2 weeks ago my phone broke in two.
[[No, Literally, theres two pieces.]]

See what i mean?!
anyway sooo i was ttly gawking at this guy on the last day of school before vacay. i mean i've seen him around school&stuff but never really PAID anouph attention to be he's really cool.
we had a big party in the gym and it was pretty decent...i danced to a few spanglish songs with brian [[piano major]] and did the cha cha =]]
so im sitting with the coolest person in the world Rita and she's txting her boyfriend. im bopping my head to some song. because the place was being DJed by this guy thats gonna start working at JZ's 40/40 club. and the music was fairly well. then there's moe...he's in front of me. positioning a cute Santa hat on his head, tilting it just a little, when he turns to find little old me drooling over him in everyway posible. automatically i blush, but i dont look away. he was much too cute in his santa hat for that. when he slowly smiles and puts 2 thumbs up in a way to say "good?" i gave him a blinding smile that probably made my eyes look closed and gave him a thumbs up reply when he turned to sit a good 15 feet to my right ahead of me. [[i couldnt stare at him as much as i wanted when he sat there]]
yep. thats my love story.
so then i head over to Luc whose sitting with her friend by the speakers lauphing at people who tried to hard to dance. im over there & Rita's by herself witch automatically makes me regret moving. Dee leaves to go dance with some guy she's beat over and i move over to Andy who asks me why im not dancing, i say "Geesh, andy, i dont need a bunch of sweaty people around to dance" i i bent over and wiggled my butt in a jokingly seductive way, and then i felt eyes. i wondered if moe was watching. im embarassed...yet pleased [[dont know why!!!!]] so now im with Luc, we lauph at some people when i ask her if i should move back to rita, she says yeah that Rita needs love too. as i walked over i saw moee, he was there sitting staring at me walk by, i stare at him as well and only just now do i realize how dumb i must have looked to stare at him like that. i go over to find an addition to Rita's little solo party her christian friend Orlando and as i sit next to Anthony, brian pulls up a chair. i smile at brian because he's cool and i sing all the love songs to orlando jokingly, he's still the whole time and only lets lauphter escape when the song is over. Anthony and i tlk for a while about music and dancing, i watch andreases ipod... all i see is that he's playing something by the strokes and bopping his head while uncontiously playing the guitar notes with his hands. when he looks up he looks embarassed and i lauph, with him not at him. when Rita & me get up to head to the girls locker room so she could tlk 2 her boy friend and i could use the bathroom i tell her that i think someone's hot...she lauphs & says "who'se your vistim now missy?!" we both lauph and i whisper rita which direction to look on our way back to our chairs.
She knows him. "omg i should ttly tell him you think he's hot, u want me 2?"
"oh my god rita, no, whats wrong with you...its just a silly biggie..." but i know its a biggie. for me atleast. lets be real now...its ME!
But Rita did tell him...&thats how things start. :D
[[No, Literally, theres two pieces.]]
See what i mean?!
anyway sooo i was ttly gawking at this guy on the last day of school before vacay. i mean i've seen him around school&stuff but never really PAID anouph attention to be he's really cool.
we had a big party in the gym and it was pretty decent...i danced to a few spanglish songs with brian [[piano major]] and did the cha cha =]]
so im sitting with the coolest person in the world Rita and she's txting her boyfriend. im bopping my head to some song. because the place was being DJed by this guy thats gonna start working at JZ's 40/40 club. and the music was fairly well. then there's moe...he's in front of me. positioning a cute Santa hat on his head, tilting it just a little, when he turns to find little old me drooling over him in everyway posible. automatically i blush, but i dont look away. he was much too cute in his santa hat for that. when he slowly smiles and puts 2 thumbs up in a way to say "good?" i gave him a blinding smile that probably made my eyes look closed and gave him a thumbs up reply when he turned to sit a good 15 feet to my right ahead of me. [[i couldnt stare at him as much as i wanted when he sat there]]
yep. thats my love story.
so then i head over to Luc whose sitting with her friend by the speakers lauphing at people who tried to hard to dance. im over there & Rita's by herself witch automatically makes me regret moving. Dee leaves to go dance with some guy she's beat over and i move over to Andy who asks me why im not dancing, i say "Geesh, andy, i dont need a bunch of sweaty people around to dance" i i bent over and wiggled my butt in a jokingly seductive way, and then i felt eyes. i wondered if moe was watching. im embarassed...yet pleased [[dont know why!!!!]] so now im with Luc, we lauph at some people when i ask her if i should move back to rita, she says yeah that Rita needs love too. as i walked over i saw moee, he was there sitting staring at me walk by, i stare at him as well and only just now do i realize how dumb i must have looked to stare at him like that. i go over to find an addition to Rita's little solo party her christian friend Orlando and as i sit next to Anthony, brian pulls up a chair. i smile at brian because he's cool and i sing all the love songs to orlando jokingly, he's still the whole time and only lets lauphter escape when the song is over. Anthony and i tlk for a while about music and dancing, i watch andreases ipod... all i see is that he's playing something by the strokes and bopping his head while uncontiously playing the guitar notes with his hands. when he looks up he looks embarassed and i lauph, with him not at him. when Rita & me get up to head to the girls locker room so she could tlk 2 her boy friend and i could use the bathroom i tell her that i think someone's hot...she lauphs & says "who'se your vistim now missy?!" we both lauph and i whisper rita which direction to look on our way back to our chairs.
She knows him. "omg i should ttly tell him you think he's hot, u want me 2?"
"oh my god rita, no, whats wrong with you...its just a silly biggie..." but i know its a biggie. for me atleast. lets be real now...its ME!
But Rita did tell him...&thats how things start. :D
Walk the Line
Walk the Line

Walk the Line with Joaquin Phoenix starring as, Johnny Cash, and Reese Witherspoon as June Carter. I know, I know, I know the movie was made in a little l8. But the truth not. My mom is a movie freak and brought this when it first came out. i watched half of it....and didnt even pay attention to that here you go...a long over-due review!
The movie was good! GR8 REALLY!! I loved Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash...i felt like i was APART of experiences...i cried when he cried...i was so depressed when he was...i felt his love for June she was ALWAYS by his side even when he was being so intolerable...& the ending was just...just soo...OMG just watch the movie [[if you havent already]]. its a must-see, guarantee you'll love it and always look back on it for refernce. BTW when i finished watching this movie and went to work on my review...i was listening o T.o.K' s song "Footprints" so excuse me for adding some of their lyrics...its a good song. *hee*hee*
Walk the Line with Joaquin Phoenix starring as, Johnny Cash, and Reese Witherspoon as June Carter. I know, I know, I know the movie was made in a little l8. But the truth not. My mom is a movie freak and brought this when it first came out. i watched half of it....and didnt even pay attention to that here you go...a long over-due review!
The movie was good! GR8 REALLY!! I loved Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash...i felt like i was APART of experiences...i cried when he cried...i was so depressed when he was...i felt his love for June she was ALWAYS by his side even when he was being so intolerable...& the ending was just...just soo...OMG just watch the movie [[if you havent already]]. its a must-see, guarantee you'll love it and always look back on it for refernce. BTW when i finished watching this movie and went to work on my review...i was listening o T.o.K' s song "Footprints" so excuse me for adding some of their lyrics...its a good song. *hee*hee*

Im not much into too much Bass & stuff on Rockbands, but there ar you few that i could handle...some screeching is just a little to much as well but believe it or not...its really calming. :]
OK. so Muse [[that band people...]] yeah they're really good...i just finishing listening to one of there songs on YouTube & They're FAB! i was catching up on my World History Paper thats due [[next month]] soon and i needed something to calm me when i visit SM's website she mentions how Muse is a big part of her inspiration. So i just thought I'd try them out for SIZER. They're really good and have a unique sound. Yeah they go with my Faves now and i love Starlight...i think its called well yeahh...anyway they're a really good BAND.
Want more bands?
GooGoo Dolls.
Aerosmith. [[song::crazy]]
Beach Boys.
MatchBox20. [[song::How far we've come]]
The Killers. [[song::Mr.Brightside]]
Linken Park. [[sing::Breaking The Habit]]
Youth on Fire.
Gym Class Heroes. [[song::Clothes off]]
Fall out boy.
My chemical Romance.
The coldwar Kids.
Im not much into too much Bass & stuff on Rockbands, but there ar you few that i could handle...some screeching is just a little to much as well but believe it or not...its really calming. :]
OK. so Muse [[that band people...]] yeah they're really good...i just finishing listening to one of there songs on YouTube & They're FAB! i was catching up on my World History Paper thats due [[next month]] soon and i needed something to calm me when i visit SM's website she mentions how Muse is a big part of her inspiration. So i just thought I'd try them out for SIZER. They're really good and have a unique sound. Yeah they go with my Faves now and i love Starlight...i think its called well yeahh...anyway they're a really good BAND.
Want more bands?
GooGoo Dolls.
Aerosmith. [[song::crazy]]
Beach Boys.
MatchBox20. [[song::How far we've come]]
The Killers. [[song::Mr.Brightside]]
Linken Park. [[sing::Breaking The Habit]]
Youth on Fire.
Gym Class Heroes. [[song::Clothes off]]
Fall out boy.
My chemical Romance.
The coldwar Kids.
Bronx Zoo
Im back. The trip was cool...if Peter & Gissal hadnt been kind of bugging me at the Bronx Zoo though,
"Whats wrong? you look so mopey!"
"Do me a favor kid, pretend to have fun."
"Oh really why are you never satisfied!"
"Are you unhappy or do you just not smile?"
"Walk faster if you want to leave so damn badly!"
WTH?! Im a slow walker and couldnt help if my facial expression wasnt up to par...sorry.[[i mean do you know anyone whose ALWAYS smiling?! WTH?! let me think to myself and not think about my surroundings while we're walking in a pakway of flowers]]. And apparently, according to Gissal, im a little to sarcastic for anyones company...ughhh. Just because they gave me some crappy dinosaur stick on tatoo & i might have said "wow, next time i come im gonna run straight here to hit up this rack of graphics." Hmmm. maybe it was my MF tone. Ughh. i cant help my wry humor... ANYWAY.
The Zoo was cool. Literally, i thought i had Frostbite First degree when i forgot how to use my fingers.
The Bronx Zoo
The Butterfly tent wasnt exactly all that...would've been better in the summer maybe...but they should do something about the season changes. I really liked their Reptile House thing. It was cool, the Crocodiles were fascinating...but also filled with idiots [[Not any different from Peter]] who kept tapping on the glass displays just to annoy the animals...Damn A-Holes. OKay, so i LOVE LOVE LOVED the Snake displays...i was absolutely fascinated...didnt even want to leave man. The Turtles were cool, boring...but cool. Mouse House was...well pretty gross but otherwise very interesting. Hmmm i really liked the Tiger's section, they just love getting close to the glass...i took a few pictures with my camera fone but if they come out OK-Looking I'll definitely put them up...Id have to say i loved the Snow Leopards...They were adorably cute and extremely playful, they kept biting their tails and trying to walk with branches in their mouth...i have really good pictures of that, but I'll put them up L8R on. The Holiday Lights were OKAY...didnt get what all the HYPE was about though...If you go for the Smores better make sure you yell at those people to get it RIGHT!! lol ...i could have more hype for the little light-up souveneirs though..they were..cute...and oh-so-ORIGINA`L
[[This is where i snicker wil,dly leaning into the labtop screen slapping my knee]]
The Zoo in general was good though. Tigers and Reptile house were the must-see's. Then again thats just MY opiniion...
"Whats wrong? you look so mopey!"
"Do me a favor kid, pretend to have fun."
"Oh really why are you never satisfied!"
"Are you unhappy or do you just not smile?"
"Walk faster if you want to leave so damn badly!"
WTH?! Im a slow walker and couldnt help if my facial expression wasnt up to par...sorry.[[i mean do you know anyone whose ALWAYS smiling?! WTH?! let me think to myself and not think about my surroundings while we're walking in a pakway of flowers]]. And apparently, according to Gissal, im a little to sarcastic for anyones company...ughhh. Just because they gave me some crappy dinosaur stick on tatoo & i might have said "wow, next time i come im gonna run straight here to hit up this rack of graphics." Hmmm. maybe it was my MF tone. Ughh. i cant help my wry humor... ANYWAY.
The Zoo was cool. Literally, i thought i had Frostbite First degree when i forgot how to use my fingers.
The Bronx Zoo
The Butterfly tent wasnt exactly all that...would've been better in the summer maybe...but they should do something about the season changes. I really liked their Reptile House thing. It was cool, the Crocodiles were fascinating...but also filled with idiots [[Not any different from Peter]] who kept tapping on the glass displays just to annoy the animals...Damn A-Holes. OKay, so i LOVE LOVE LOVED the Snake displays...i was absolutely fascinated...didnt even want to leave man. The Turtles were cool, boring...but cool. Mouse House was...well pretty gross but otherwise very interesting. Hmmm i really liked the Tiger's section, they just love getting close to the glass...i took a few pictures with my camera fone but if they come out OK-Looking I'll definitely put them up...Id have to say i loved the Snow Leopards...They were adorably cute and extremely playful, they kept biting their tails and trying to walk with branches in their mouth...i have really good pictures of that, but I'll put them up L8R on. The Holiday Lights were OKAY...didnt get what all the HYPE was about though...If you go for the Smores better make sure you yell at those people to get it RIGHT!! lol ...i could have more hype for the little light-up souveneirs though..they were..cute...and oh-so-ORIGINA`L
[[This is where i snicker wil,dly leaning into the labtop screen slapping my knee]]
The Zoo in general was good though. Tigers and Reptile house were the must-see's. Then again thats just MY opiniion...
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