I thought it was a good movie. C didnt like it at ALL though. it was 5 of us. uh Me, C, & friends from my old Elementary School D, JB, & J. NO one's dating anyone J & JB are friends only, i have enouph guy problems without help from them too. D's really cool i hadnt even noticed how much i missed her until we were at the movie just like all those other times, that are only blurred memories now.i recall a time when me & her had once considered each other "BESTFRIENDS" however that was before i discovered that friends dont come in bests like that for me... i sat between JB & D my arm hooked through hers just in case i needed something to hide behind.
Personally, I liked the movie. The Graphics were better in some parts than in others...i'd have to say they were best during the Fighting scenes along with the Gory ones. It was rather interesting in the beginning, A little gory but intriguing. The middle was something different all together, it wasnt as exciting as the beginning, though it did give some background that the movie needed. The movie was pretty funny, it had that sarcastic humor i love [[& have myself]]. Then again some things were just funny because when you went back to think of them your like wow, WTH was that lol. yeah. the ending was rather TOO ironic for my taste, but what ever, you had to see it coming.I thought it was pretty good all around. More satisfying in someways, then others. Then agains my friends hated it... but i guess thats because there all still wearing their diapers.
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