Whoa, Is tomorrow Valentines day already ? ! eh, This is horrible. I have barely any money and my one month anniversary with Scott just so happens to be on Valentines day -_- He wants to come here.. But I live with SEVEN people. That makes no sense to me, how is that supposed to be a valentines date ? No. Sorry. Whatever.
He wants to come here and do NOTHING, then fine. Guess Im gonna have to buy him a card and make him a nice cheesecake. aha, we'll see. Im kind of nervous.
But todays not valentines day.. its SATURDAY the 13th :/
Im supposed to go to Kreider's house today to work on my Joker Piece. Scott doesnt know about that yet, I kind of dont care if he gets mad because he's going to be at Briannas house anyway and Scotts not one to care much about things like that. Sigh, If only my life could go back to the bliss that it once was.. But that could never happen. :/
I wont be going to Kreiders house alone though.. I definitely dont trust myself.
Shanel's coming with me. So everything will be fine.