We were BBQ'en it up, cause it was hot and all that jazz. Lately my little sisters been begging me to go ride bikes with her, so after i saw no today she asked mother, mother of course said yes, so they rode around the block and melody asked to go just up and down the full block this time.
Now mother is super protective of little Mel, so she said "Not unless your sister goes with you". And of course thats me. So instead of asking me my mother says "Just go with her this once please" and i say "Fine" Because in truth, I honestly don't mind. So I get on the bike and i ride down the hill that is my block when i realize the bike isnt breaking.. and theres a car coming up the block. I started to panic and the bike sped up with the momentum of going down hill. The car slowed down instead of stopping and the next thing i know I'm 10 feet from the bike and 5 from the car, I had gotten hit by a car. I couldnt believe it. I honestly couldnt. So i just sat there while some spanish lady came out and started yelling at me then it was my fault and i had been going to fast. My head was throbbing and my legs were sore and my mouth was dry so i told her to shutit, cause i didnt care whose fault it was, i just wanted to go to sleep. Now i see my sister and shes freaking out.
"OMG! China are you OK"
"No, mel, go get mom."
"I cant! -I cant find my phone"
"She's right up the block mel, go!"
"OK" Mel runs off.
It seemed like forever before my mom came running down the block with tons of people from the BBQ behind her, and all these people were crowding me. Cars had stopped and this random black guy was calling the cops. i tried to get up before mom got around but he said "No, no mami, stay right there" he seemed nice, i think i liked him.
My mom seemed much more chill then i expected her. Shes usually always making such a huge deal out of the littlest things But i guess the fact that i wasnt bleeding severely or anything comforted her. This idiot cop kept asking me stupid questions, and i told him i didnt wanna talk to him. Thats when Mother yelled at me that i better say what happened. So i told him, but it was all fuzzy really i dont remember much afterward... It was all hazy, I just wanted to go to sleep. and to take a few pain killers. Then the EMT got out and started checking my head and asking me all these questions, but i liked him better then the cop, maybe because he wasnt quizzing me like a dickhead and didnt have this little permanent smirk on his face. I smiled at him and told him everything i knew, then he said he should take me to the hospital and i said no of course, because i wasnt getting on that ambulance! Crazy ? Not me.
My head was still throbbing and mom just told the EMT that shed rather take me herself since i was in no way getting in that stupid ambulance.
The emergency room took forever, i was there for four hours just so they could tell me i was OK. Check my pee, get me pregnancy test results and a CAT scan which was scarrier then youd think. My cat scan was OK, and my Dr. was pretty cool. I'm OK. i just need some pain killers for the head ache they said would be normal for atleast a week.
Ask me how it feels to get hit by a car, I really couldnt tell you.