Yesterday was Valentines day.
Sooo, Alexis Angel took me out(:
isnt that nice ? NO. its not, because hes been acting weird lately. and i know exactly WHY. i know for fact that hes been hitting up this chick he wish he banged when he had the chance. Now, your probably thinking im just being extremely over bearing and jealous. WRONG, again my dear friends.
Alexis Angel doesnt hit anybody up. He doesnt even respond when people hit him up. Hitting Alexis up would look like this(if he reponds at all of course because he has been known to use the ESC button to his advantage):
Friend: Hey!
Alex: hey.
Friend: whatsup?
Alex: Nothing.
--end of conversation.
Now why TF is he hitting this chick up, when hes been barely talking to ME these passed few days, i dont know.
dont ask me, and im not gonna say "theres trouble in paradise" because that term is incorrect and will forever be an incorrect term. No relationship is PERFECT even the really fcken great ones are down to the core fcked up.
Now whatevers going on with Alexis he better get over it and stop hitting this chick up, or atleast explain to me WHY he feels the need to contact her at all when A) He doesnt contact ANYBODY and B) Hes trying to hide it.
Of course i give him credit for NOT lying, but hes being dishonest. I tell Alexis everything that goes in my life since me and him have been together. Obviously i know now that this was a mistake. I've learned that he should be treated just as he treats me. Dishonesty is not appreciated, and im sure he'll learn that soon.
On a lighter note, yesterday was nice.
He picked me up around 4ish because unfortunately my mother gave us a curfew today. NINE OH CLOCK. because dearest mother was going out tonight and she feels that the house needs to be babysat, by moi`.
Gee thanks, Mom(:
But yeah we head straight to the mall and find that Coraline is giving at 540. yay!
until about 5oh clock we head over to borders because thats my home, and i love it there. Books are my home(:
The smell of books intoxicate me and being with Alex at the same time made me have very naughty fantasies, aha.
maybe i was kidding.. for your sake.
after we've had our fill at Borders we head back to get our tickets. This Alex pays for promising me that i will get to pay for the snacks.
Being with him is amazing even when im extremely upset with him i cant help but laugh at what he says or smile at his beautiful face. He is beautiful in every way. i hope he's not corrupted though, i pray so hard that he doesnt cheat on me. I know we're not a "match made in heaven" But hes all i got, he's my bestfriend. I miss jess alot. but missing her isnt gonna bring her back..
After we watched Coraline (review coming soon, of course). We left the mall and headed to McDonalds where we ordered two number4s and two apple pies. :DD he paid. :/
and then we went to my house to eat up, go us!
it was a nice night all together even though i confronted him about his dishonesty and he brushed it off.
its okay, sooner or later he'll say something. and if he doesnt then i've learned a lesson in all this right ? thus, i now know how he is and how i can afford to be without consequence,
Thanks, Lex. ;]
Love, emmmmm
I really hope he doesnt break up with me.